All our articles so far talked about the importance of building and setting up the proper details of your website in order to have a great online presence. Remember that your website is a digital business card for every visitor. And every business card should have contact details so people can reach out to anytime. This includes email and phone numbers.
Why You Should List a Number
In Google Webmaster Tools, you will find something called the Data Highlighter – a function that is trying to identify the type of data on your content. After various analyses (and you can try this if you’re familiar with the tools) that we ran on various websites with no structured data markups implemented, the results were very interesting: Google does not recognize the meaning of more than 80% of content.
In order to correct that, the search engines (Google, Yahoo and Bing) created a standard function that tries to structure all the important data.
How to List a Phone Number
Now it is easier than ever to list your phone number, not like back in the days when you had to create a specific “application” and insert the code. You can still do that if you wish to customize your site to the maximum, but it’s better to just keep it simple.
So why not try just a structured data HTML code insertion?
Follow this Example:
After this (implementing tags for every type of data), the search engines are able to comprehend over 90% of the content. Isn’t that great? Now you are higher than your competition just by taking into consideration these small details.
Image source: United Methodist Insurance – WP content – Slideshow Call Us
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