In order to reward good and trustworthy content, Google has developed Google Authorship and Publishership, great concepts, developed to improve search quality .Those new concepts works by linking the content you publish on a specific domain to your Google+ profile .
If Google Authorship works by linking the content you publish to your Google+ personal profile, Google Publishership will connect the URL with the Google+ business or Google+ Local Business account . It is better to set them both up at the same time, as the two concepts are equally important .
Here are some the most important benefits they are bringing:
Google Authorship :
- Google will understand much better what is the niche/industry an author is writting about
- Depending on the social behavior (share/plus through Google+ ), the content published by the same author can be seen as a high quality content.
- A photo of the author will show up in the left side of the article in Google Search Engine results, leading to a higher click-through rate (CTR)
- A better positioning in Google search results for all your followers’ searches
- A possible increase in Google Rankings for any user searches
- If you are a content writer, authorship could help you get more orders from clients targeting the audience you are writing about.
Add in the authorship markup tag (Rel=Author),that looks like this :
{a href=”{profile_url}?rel=author”}Google{/a}
Replace {profile_url} with your Google Profile URL and { by < and } by >.
Publishership Benefits :
- Sending local signals to Google – If Google page has an already verified address,which can results in a better positioning in Google search results for users in that location
- Can also help at knowledge graph appearance for branded searches
How to implement Rel=Publisher :
Modify the link you have on your website pointing to your Google+ page with the following setup:
{a href=”{googleplus_page_url}” rel=”publisher”}Google+{/a}
Remember to replace { by < and } by >.
Even though link building, interlinking and keywords still apply for SEO, quality and reach on Google+ also matter a lot . In fact, according to a recent analysis ,”the sooner you connect Google+ authorship to a new domain,the sooner will be indexed” . With that being said, if you have’t set Google Authorship and Publishership up yet, now is the time you do it . The benefits for SEO are significant .