Local Citation Finder Tool – Know All Your Citations Now

A citation is the mention of your Business Name, Address, and Phone Number. The most of the experts think that citations are very important factors used in local search rankings, which account around 25% of all local ranking factors.

If you have done a good job with your On-site strategy, based on the analysis of the local competitors, you don’t have to neglect the Off-site Strategy which will help you to raise your website local authority. We realized how important it is and for this, we have developed the Local Citation Finder tool which identifies the best citation sources for the targeted industry and location.

We all know that the process of building citations for local search optimization is a time-consuming process. If you need citation for your local business, we can help you by creating citation on the best websites for your industry.

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    Local Citation Finder by GeoRanker

    Local citations are online mentions of a business.

    You can find them if you search through various resources such as web directories, social platforms like Facebook or Yelp, news sites and so on.

    Citations are a very important factor for local search rankings.

    So, how do they work and how will they help your site?

    1. They are the best way of building trust

    When a website first appears online, Google has very limited data regarding it. Same goes for businesses.  As your content and citations start appearing, search engines learn more about you and are more willing to improve your local ranking. By appearing on various listings, your company gains more trust with search engines which will help it rank better.

    1. Help you sell products and services

    By being listed in various journals, directories and databases, new opportunities appear. If you manage to enter top positions in Google, you are able to increase your traffic volume even further and get some free online exposure.

    List of local citation elements

    Through local citations, user is able to access various company data such as:

    • Name
    • Location (or locations)
    • Email address
    • Phone number
    • Work time
    • Service and product description
    • Various media links
    • Reviews
    • Image and video library
    • Ownership
    • Link to social media account

    While certain data such as address or phone don’t have to be important for potential online customers; reviews can guide them to making a purchase decision.

    If you provide all this data, you are allowing full disclosure which will help users form a positive opinion giving you a decisive edge over your competitors.

    Local Citation Finder tool

    Finally, we come to our software.

    If you wish to check Google for business citations, this is one of the best ways to do it.

    Local Citation Finder is completely free but it has a limited number of searches you can submit per week. That being said, you can use it for search marketing and local SEO but in limited amounts. It is more of a trial version.

    You start by entering a URL and search engine of choice.

    Our citation finder software will generate a listing with all the mentions in the center. If you click on the title, you can follow the link to source page and see how this citation looks like on the original page or post.

    Local Citation Finder has easy navigation and interface as well as live results.

    Last thoughts on NAP citations

    Local citations are extremely important for small business owners and people who depend on the local market.

    By creating NAP citations, you are able to place more eyes on your brand. Although you might provide some internal information about your organization, you are in fact making it more accessible. This is important not only for building trust with potential customers but search engines as well.

    Of course, you will need a tool that will allow you to track rankings such as our Local Rank Checker.

    This is why I suggest using Local Citation Finder as the go-to citation tool.

    Have you tried it out yet? Get in touch with our team and we’ll be happy to answer all your questions.


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